Wednesday, April 29, 2020

2015 is halfway over! Heres where my biz is at, whats to come, 4 ways to achieve your 2015 goals. - When I Grow Up

2015 is halfway over! Heres where my biz is at, whats to come, 4 ways to achieve your 2015 goals. - When I Grow Up HOW is it July 14th already? How how how? This year has simply flown by and I feel very firmly rooted in all thats transpired and all thats to come. I havent done this before that I can remember, but I wanted to be transparent as to where Im at with my 2015 goals at this halfway point. Hope that its an eye opener for you and inspires you to do your own recap based on your business or career goals! Lets start with my 2015 goals and tools. I took a deep breath and posted this in Nov 2014 on Instagram: A photo posted by Michelle Ward (@whenigrowupcoach) on Nov 14, 2014 at 7:34pm PST Pretty soon after, my goals changed. I decided not to run Career Camp again, so that point was moot. Because of that, I set a new goal to get 20 Growin Up Goods clients. I could have made another image like that with my new goals, but I didnt. Instead, I created this blank goal card in January and posted how much of it was filled in (aka achieved) in March : A photo posted by Michelle Ward (@whenigrowupcoach) on Mar 16, 2015 at 7:06pm PDT You cant see it in this picture, but theres also a backside with the projects and places I wanna pitch. Now? My goal card looks like this as of July 6th front and backside:   At the 2015 halfway point, I have: more than half of my one-on-one clients for the year. Just a few weeks ago I thought that 20 was too much, but now I can see its totally doable and Im psyched to reach that goal. 3 income-breaking months, resulting in more than half of my 2015 income goal. Im only $19K away from the entirety of my 2014 gross income! a sold-out program with Tiff and Erin, which were planning to run every March another CreativeLive class under my belt, which allows another affordable option to access my work. Thats sooooo important to me. a newly redesigned website thats in the process of being built for a September 1st relaunch. Ill give you a sneak peak next week! retired a few offerings in order to fit my Streamlining goal, which has allowed me (and my prospective clients) to be better able to get what we all  need. a 5 star rated podcast a finished book proposal, thanks to some great help and feedback from two literary agents. half of the speaking gigs I want for the year theres one coming up in October that I havent put on the card yet! new headshots, thanks to the lovely and talented Kylie Bellard another successful Multi-Passionate Must-Have sale! finished my work with a branding consultant, which was mind-blowingly amazeballs. on a personal note, I ran my first  half-marathon   now have a walking baby on my hands! Whats planned for the rest of 2015?: the Dream Into Action retreat. And what a coincidence:  the pre-sale ends tomorrow! limited  one-on-one spots for an October and November startand a price increase on my one-on-one coaching when the new website goes live on September 1st  (you can lock in the current rates by putting your deposit down before the site flips over!) my website relaunch on September 1st squee! a possible Career Camp revamp, with a new name and only 15ish spots available. You can sign up here if you want to be notified if/when it happens. pitch city! For the first time in my career, Im planning to be pro-active with reaching out for guest posts, podcast interviews, and speaking engagements. Im so lucky to have so many asks  come my way unsolicited, but because of that Ive been lazy with making my own opportunities. Im not cool with this anymore. landing a literary agent.  Hear that, Universe?! But enough about me! Here are the tools  Ive used to stay on track and achieve my goals that I think made a big difference in having a killer year. Steal away! 1. The Passion Planner. I have a date with my Passion Planner every Sunday night, where I use the weekly calendar to write down the highlights of that week; the first workday of every month, where I use the monthly reviewer to reflect on the past month and set goals and intentions for the following month; and every quarter, where I use the blank pages to make new mind maps for the upcoming quarter, assess my progress, and make more notes about the quarter that just happened. Here are some pics so you can see what I mean: 2. My Goal Card, which you can see in the second photo above. This is a throwback to my Box o Business Brilliance (which I admittedly dont keep up with anymore), and I have a date with it every Sunday night, too. I love getting my pink marker and filling in a new  goal that I reached. 3. This project management system is why, on average, Ive only worked 26 hours/week this year and yet feel like Ive accomplished what most people do in 40+ hours. While this software might be too robust for your needs, I implore you to find the time/project management system thats right for you, where you can set deadlines,  break big projects into baby steps, and plug them into your calendar. I cover all my recommendations in my Ditch Your Day Job class, which will rebroadcast for free starting at 9am Pacific on 7/21! 4. Not planning more than a quarter in advance. It goes against every instinct of mine to not plan for 6+ months into the future. Heck, Im itching to plan 2016 right now! However, its greatly served me to not be more than a quarter ahead of myself with few exceptions. For example, weve just finished Q2, and Im now planning Q4. Ive learned the hard way that the Universe laughs at long-term plans, so while I still feel rooted in the present and the near-ish future, I can keep the rest open based on the opportunities that come my way as well as the ebb and flow of what I feel like working on. Whats your biggest takeaway from this post? What have/will you do to review the first half of 2015 and set/update your goals for the rest of the year? Let me know in the comments!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Can You Include Freelance Writing On Your Resume?

Can You Include Freelance Writing On Your Resume?Freelance writing is indeed a trend now that all over the world. It has been talked about extensively in magazines and books. Some people are more into writing than others, and all they have to do is to choose the kind of work that they would like to do. Though, it has been an aim of many to be independent writers, they haven't been able to do so for their entire lives.If you happen to be one of those who happen to be very good at writing, then you can certainly add freelance writing to your resume. There are lots of resources out there for you to access. But you have to look into the fact that not every service provider would give you the same quality of writing. You must make sure that you hire only the best one.In addition, you should be sure to read the reviews about the writing done by the companies that you are considering. Make sure that it is just good enough. Do not hire a company that only promises good but fails to deliver o n the promise.Even if you're not a professional writer, there are plenty of people who can help you create a great resume that can be helpful for your future career. You can consult with these people and get their opinions as well.Freelance writing is a great alternative to writing your own resume. You don't have to learn anything about what writing is and how it is done. As a matter of fact, you don't have to have any formal training in writing.Freelance writing is not something that anyone has to worry about. It is something that you can do from anywhere in the world, anytime. And all you have to do is to ask for help whenever you need it.Freelance writing doesn't require any degree in writing to make it a great job for you. Be sure to get in touch with the experts and help them with your resume.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bachelors Degrees With the Highest Starting Salary

Bachelor's Degrees With the Highest Starting Salary Interested in a career that will pay for your college degree as quickly as possible? Then (sorry, psychology majors) you might want to consider engineering or computer science. Those are the rather unsurprising results of Michigan State University’s Recruiting Trends report, the largest annual survey of employers on that topic. The report collected data from more than 4,730 businesses hiring graduates nationwide on their recruiting and new hire practices (other data points include the bachelor’s degrees with the lowest starting salaries and the most hirable career fields for new grads). Also of interest from the findings, 61% of employers reported that starting salaries will remain the same as last year despite increased competition for top talent. Of the 39% of employers saying they will increase starting salaries, the average bump will be 4.7% (the median is 3%, while the most common increase will be 2%). Fifteen percent of employers plan to increase starting salaries by more than 10%. The salaries reflect base salaries only and do not include signing bonuses, commissions, housing and moving allowances, or other hiring incentives. Read next: 10 Great Colleges for Business Majors 15 Bachelor’s Degrees With the Highest Average Starting Salaries: Chemical engineering â€" $63,389 Computer engineering â€" $63,313 Electrical engineering â€" $61,173 Software design â€" $60,104 Mechanical engineering â€" $59,681 Computer programming â€" $58,995 Computer science â€" $56,974 Civil engineering â€" $55,879 All technical (IT, engineering, computer science) â€" $55,465 Management information systems â€" $51,690 Construction â€" $49,672 Finance â€" $48,785 Accounting â€" $47,834 All business â€" $47,459 Supply chain â€" $47,147 If you’re looking for a great college, check out the new MONEY College Planner website and our Find Your Fit tool, which lets you search for schools by major and other criteria that are important to you. Read Next: Bachelor’s Degrees with the Lowest Starting Salaries Video Player is loading.Play VideoPlayMuteCurrent Time  0:00/Duration  0:00Loaded: 0%Stream Type  LIVESeek to live, currently playing liveLIVERemaining Time  -0:00  SharePlayback Rate1xChaptersChaptersDescriptionsdescriptions off, selectedCaptionscaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selectedAudio TrackFullscreenThis is a modal window.Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.TextColorWhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyOpaqueSemi-TransparentBackgroundColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyOpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparentWindowColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyTransparentSemi-TransparentOpaqueFont Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadowFont FamilyProportional Sans-SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional SerifMonospace SerifCasualScriptSmall CapsReset restore all settings to the default valuesDoneClose Modal Dia logEnd of dialog window.PlayMuteCurrent Time  0:00/Duration  0:00Loaded: 0%Stream Type  LIVESeek to live, currently playing liveLIVERemaining Time  -0:00  Playback Rate1xFullscreenClose Modal DialogThis is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.Close Modal DialogThis is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.